We support funders to acquire new business through a national network of litigators. The Sentry Portal streamlines funders back office administration which reduces costs and speeds up application processing times.
Benefits of Sentry for litigation funders
- Only receive applications that fit a criteria you set in advance. Saving time and resource by removing applications to assess that you would have never funded
- Increased new business levels by accessing a national network of litigation lawyers
- Fully interactive case tracking system that keeps compliant cases files
- Leadership team has a regulated industry background and the portal is created with regulated transparency and processes in mind
- Access to our internal auditing team. Monitoring law firm performance to ensure cases are progressed efficiently.
Code of conduct
To maintain high industry standards and ensure positive client outcomes we require litigation funders who join our funding panel to abide by the Sentry Code of Conduct:
- Funders are prevented from having any control over litigation or settlement negotiations. Decision making is to remain with litigators and their clients at all times.
- A funder may not cause a litigator to act in breach of their professional duties.
- Funders must always have adequate financial resources to meet their funding obligations.
- Funders must conduct themselves reasonably and may only withdraw from a funding agreement in specific circumstances. If for any reason there is a dispute about a termination or settlement a binding opinion is to be obtained from an independent QC.